Saturday, January 25, 2014
2014 Hangzhou Calendar

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Thank You Donors!
As all parents know, it is one of the most beautiful milestones when a child takes his first steps. For us the experience was no less dramatic even if it happened 12 years later than average. We first met our young friend a year ago when we started working with another orphanage in China. Our friend has Cerebral Palsy, a neurologic disorder and that makes it extremely difficult to control her muscles and limbs. She is really smart, even though she has had no schooling. We just couldn't get her out of our minds remembering how she just sat in a chair all day trying to practice Chinese characters in a little paper book. We thought it might be good to show the therapists at the orphanage how a child like this might be helped using a specialized gait trainer. It's a little more involved that a standard reverse walker as there is adjustable supports in key areas in the frame. Our PT, Susan from U of M has had great success with children here in the US. So we put out a plea for donations. We were so happy when we finally raised enough money to purchase the gait trainer. The Rifton company gave us a charitable discount as well! Vivian found out her favorite color so of course we ordered one in pink! We hauled that gigantic box to the airport and then the bus to Hanghou, and then the bus to Ningbo. As Susan wheeled the gait trainer in and told our little friend she was going to help her walk, her eyes got wide and she smiled from ear to ear. It was like getting a brand new bike for Christmas! No, maybe a brand new convertible! And guess what. She walked immediately. All around the room. She intuitively steered her new ride wherever she wanted to go. Yeah, not a dry eye in the house. Plus it matches her shoes.Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
This past May, I went with a
small group of therapists to an orphanage that was referred to us for help by
Hangzhou SWI. We are frequently moved to tears by the
plight of some of the children we see in these institutions, as we were this time. Several children just radiated
their extremely dire need for some simple things.
The one I’m writing
this about is a charming little 12 year old girl who has Cerebral
Palsy. Unfortunately, she has received no treatment at all in all this time. She gets around by scooting in a small plastic child’s chair. While she is cognitively normal, she has not
received ANY schooling because of her lack of mobility. She clearly wants to learn as she practices Chinese characters all day in a little paper book.
She desperately
needs a gait trainer, a device that will allow her to learn to walk. Our
therapist is sure that this little girl will be able to walk with
one. A gait trainer costs $2700. We want to buy one to deliver on the medical
trip this October, and train the staff on its use with this child. Then we will
strongly encourage them to put her in school. Just think of how her life will change! Right now she has
only her plastic chair to scoot with, and no schooling. She basically does
nothing new all day, every day. Our hope is that when the staff learns how to use the gait trainer, they will be able to help other children with the same condition.
We really hope you
will help. You may donate on our
web site, www.redthreadcharities.org,
or by check sent to Red Thread Charities, 6632 West Shore Drive, Edina, MN
Thank you so very
much for helping this child!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Fine Arts are Alive and Well in Chinese Orphanages
As we have said before…we have finished our commitment with
one orphanage and have started work at an orphanage a couple hours away. But it’s really hard to leave our
good friends at HZ. They have requested that we keep coming back if only
for a day or so to check in and see some kids. Well, how can
we resist? We love staying at the
orphanage dorms and waking up to the familiar sounds. We love that they always have several adorable kids lined up
waiting to be ‘interviewed’ by us.
The privilege of being greeted by the most charming children
imaginable is irresistible. Children that wish to be adopted and would
fit in so well in families here in the US.. And they are artists! Their creativity has been developed in
amazing ways.
The kids sing and
dance in solos, duets and groups..
They confidently recite Chinese poetry… and they draw…Wow, do they draw! One child we saw drew what he explained as a children’s outing, complete with the bus, the traffic jam, the lines of
children with two adults and the happy tree that wore a smile because the
children did not pick the origami flowers, which he carefully glued onto the tree. Other children drew happy houses and
suns in the sky.
Another child
drew a scary monster! Lot’s of
kids love to draw people... and umbrellas!
A little boy with Down syndrome quickly traced his hand so he could run
to the front of the class and have me photograph him. So cute! The
fine arts are a huge part of the Chinese culture and one that we hope adoptive
parents will continue to embrace and encourage. We are so happy that the staff became inspired after visiting centers in the US in 2011 that they have fully embraced the concept of inclusion!
Children who were previously left behind are now being included in the
classrooms and the arts programs.
And the staff have realized that the children accept each and every one
unconditionally. Well of course
they do. That is a pretty cool
concept. I’m so glad we are all on
the same page.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Our new kids...they need you
Red Thread Charities needs you to give to the max. Your donation of $50 will help so many children. Our group has started with a new orphanage 2 hours away from Hangzhou. They really need us. The children aren't smiling yet. The staff doesn't think they are able to smile. We proved them wrong on our initial trip when we were able to get the children who don't smile to laugh. Belly laugh! Please give. And consider a trip with us if you are a pediatric therapist! The children are waiting. This is what your donation will be used for:
- · Therapy balls
- · Reverse walkers
- · Cleft Lip and Palate nursers
- · Finger cots for oral motor use
- · Beautiful board books written in Mandarin
- · Cause/ Effect toys
- · Musical toys
- · Headphones for music therapy
- · Sensory brushes
- · Therapy putty
- · And the list goes on…
Give here at www.redthreadcharities.org/ I feel so strongly about this that I will send you a small Chinese prize if you donate and send me an email. It might be a silk purse, a cute chinese notebook, a small porcelain tea set... wonderful little things that Cheryl and I went crazy shopping for! Any amount is wonderful and I would be honored if you sent me an email telling me that you donated. Let me, Jane Steinmetz, know at bamboobaby5@mac.com and I would love to send you a sweet prize guaranteed to be made in China. This little guy is a waiting child but he is happy and living the good life thanks to RTC. If he is not adopted he will go to work somewhere in China. He won't go to college but he will still be a happy guy thanks to RTC. At some point we have to say goodbye. He needs a family to help him be the little man he can be! Is it you? All of our adoptive families have never looked back.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Beethoven's Minuet in G
Our 10 year old daughter Quin nearly always accompanies us when we go to work at the orphanages in China. This morning back at home in Wisconsin, she had a very astute observation that I would like to share with you.
Quin takes piano lessons and her teacher has assigned her to learn Beethoven's Minuet in G. She wanted her to familiarize herself with the music before the next lesson. I googled a version on You Tube for her to listen to. When she heard the music, she started to laugh and said, "I wonder why she wants me to learn a chinese children's song!" I was confused and she explained... "This is the song they play every morning for the children at Hangzhou!" Of course! This melody is so familiar to me that it went right over my head but Quin's only experience hearing it was when she watched the children being taken for walks every single morning at the orphanage in Hangzhou! I told Quin what valuable information that is for parents who have just adopted a child from Hangzhou. Playing this same music for a child is a way perhaps, to ease the transition during the adoption process, or comfort a child who has just had surgery. I also explained to her that it might have the opposite affect and cause anxiety. But I do know for sure that when those kids hear this song with their new families from the US, or Europe they won't be hearing a classical piece written by a famous german composer. They'll be hearing this sweet chinese children's song:
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