Bridget’s story:
I’m really hoping to get into PT school so I was thrilled that I got to be an assistant in the therapy rooms. An infant girl was brought into our room. As I looked at her I noticed she had very little animation in the way of facial expression or activity. During her OT screening she barely responded making if very difficult for the therapist to make any recommendations. The PT was finishing up with another kiddo so I went on to hold her while we waited. From instinct I started to bounce and swing this little girl, close to my body, like she was my own child. Once we started the PT evaluation, she was much more animated, responding more to our prompts than before. The OT that was in the room was surprised, saying, “Is this the same little girl?” Then we went on to talk about what could have caused the change in her behavior. The OT got very excited when I said that I had rocked her and such. This simple motion had helped stimulate the little girl and that stimulation helped to wake up her system. It was so interesting for me to see the impact of such a small action on my part. It took so little of my time but it meant the world to this baby. If we all gave a little bit of our time, not only in a foreign country, but also in our local communities, we could get a lot done. Something as simple as listening to a child’s 47th story of the day could [loosely] help the world by instilling creativity and intelligence in one kid. It may sound cliché but this event made me truly believe it.
Thank you, Bridget. I believe it too. Jane